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Showing posts with label first day of school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label first day of school. Show all posts

Sunday, October 7, 2012

First Week of School! All About Me and My friends!

We spend a lot of time during our first week focusing on rules, routines, and procedures. We also spend a LOT of time with re-teaching and modeling appropriate behavior at school. During this first week it is very hard to get through a lot of actual "teaching" and activities or lessons that I plan, so I try to keep things very simple to start out.

The pictures I took on the first day and sent home with the kiddos for their parents.

Some of the activities we did during the first week of school. Starting off very simply so that we can learn how to play.


An owl we made to help us feel more like a "Little Owls" class community

Getting ready to make "friendship fruit salad". We each brought in a piece of fruit to add to our salad. Each fruit was different, just like each child in a class is different.
We cut it all up!
Then mixed it together; each taking turns stirring.

We ate it all up! Each piece of fruit tasted great alone; but combined, it tasted even better! Each student is great by themselves, but combined as a class, they can do amazing things!