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Sunday, October 7, 2012

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The Little Owls Classroom!

Our classroom!
I love the curtains! I have always just had a valance to go at the top, and it just seemed so small for these tall windows. When I was peeking into other rooms at the beginning of the year, I saw these long curtains in a first grade room. I knew I had to have them, and when she told me they were $20 for all four panels, I rushed to get them! They are actually twin bed sheets. I just bought each panel separately as one twin, flat bed sheet for $5 each, cut a slit at each side of the folded end, and slid them onto spring rods. Turned out beautiful! Thanks Mrs. Asberry for the idea! 
Our calendar time wall in our circle area. At the top left is a Scholastic letter sounds poem flip chart. I LOVE this! There is a different song for each letter and they are all set to a familiar tune the children would know. The songs use lots of words that have that letter's sound. In the middle we will display our star student. The top right has our months poster, below that is the calendar and days of the week poster next to it. On the bottom left is our frog which we dress for the weather.

My new color owls that I made this summer.

Here is our owl tree hanging by the dramatic play area. I made some tissue paper flowers to go in the tree and some owls lanterns that I found on pinterest. On the left is the PVC house my husband made for me to use with our dramatic play center. I made the sheet to fit right over it, making it look a little more like a house. We have transformed this into many different things to go along with our theme of the center.

One of my owl lanterns (made from a lantern I found at Dollar Tree). I accidentally got this oblong cylinder lantern on accident. I was upset, thinking it wouldn't look as good as the round ones. Turns out, this owl is my favorite. Now I will have to try to find more lanterns this shape.

Here is a close-up of the round one. It's cute too!

One more close-up of the tree.

Our classroom tree. We change the leaves with the seasons. This year I decided to use our name owls to help decorate the tree.

We are a PBS school and our class works for "hoots", these cute little owl cutouts. They can earn hoots during their special classes (a music hoot, art hoot, PE hoot, etc), while in line (a hallway hoot), or anytime the majority of the class is showing good behavior. Once we meet our goal of 20 hoots, we have a celebration. This can range from a pj day, to a popcorn and movie day, to an ice-cream sundae party. The kids get to vote for what they want to work towards and we put a picture of that reward on the wall next to our hoots.

Our reminder of how to show "The Windsor Way".

I love to use puppets to teach different concepts in my class. I have to thank one of my former team teacher's for introducing me to this when I student taught in her room. I will never be as good as she is, but she definitely introduced me to this different way to teach. I cannot express how much the kids love this!

Our "Shape Monster" for learning different shapes.

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